6S In A Workplace
Aims to build the knowledge of the participants related to the 6S concept, methodology and execution strategy.
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The success of an organization largely depends on the ability of the processes to achieve greater productivity and efficiency, avoiding bottlenecks. Way back in the 1940s, it was Industrial engineer Taiichi Ohno who developed this simple planning technique called “Kanban”, to manage the work optimally at the various stages of production.
In any organization, every manager faces certain circumstances in their daily tasks and routine, that involves a great deal of decision making and risk taking. Change is inevitable in any organization. This leads to resistance in the processes of the organization. So, it becomes crucial to identify such resistances in the processes, the cause, nature, and effective ways to deal with the same.
With the market pressure to produce more, and better, with less. Applying Lean is inevitable. This course provides a radical overview to Lean. It introduces vital concepts and applications in all operating environments. In addition, it exposes the participants to lean concepts.
Value stream mapping is for you, if you are interested in diving further deep into strengthening Six Sigma implementation and expanding the body of knowledge about the basic components of the Six Sigma methodologies. The skills acquired will immensely prove beneficial in better business processes and performance outcomes.
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