Digital transformation is the process of creating new opportunities for innovation in
business processes and products by utilizing digital technologies such as mobile phones, cloud computing, and information technology.

➤ Define the key success factors of a Digital Transformation
➤ Assess the digital maturity of your organization
➤ Define your digital transformation strategy & plan by leveraging our ready-made digital transformation strategy & plan, which includes sections such as “CurrentState”,“TargetState”,“StrategicObjectives”,“Team”,“Budget”,
and “Initiatives
➤ Implement, track & manage progress of your digital transformation strategy & plan with our visual dashboards.
➤ Build a strong business case and financial model to get your digital transformation projects approved by the executive committee.
➤ Estimate your project financials :revenue, cost savings, cashflow, net present value(NPV), ROI, IRR, pay back period, WACC, etc.
➤ Develop new business models or improve existing ones with our ready-made business model canvases.
➤ Get a clear understanding of the project management overall approach commonly used by Fortune 100 and Global Consulting firms.
➤ Prioritize a company’s potential initiatives based on impact and effort, and build your roadmap.
✦ Digital transformation strategy
✦ Digital transformation: value creation & analysis
✦ Digital transformation : blockchain technology
✦ A comprehensive guide to digital transformation
✦ Digital transformation: integrated business eco systems
✦ Six building blocks of digital transformation
✦ Get your cloud strategy right
✦ Digital transformation frameworks
✦ The 7 laws of successful digital transformation and growth
✦ Robotic process automation (RPA)
✦ Digital transformation: people, organization & change
✦ Digital organizational design
✦ Global digital transformation benchmarking
✦ Digital transformation governance
✦ Bigdata enablement framework
✦ Digital transformation-2021 trends, roadmap, guidelines
✦ Internet of things (IOT) decision framework
✦ Enterprise architecture for digital strategy
✦ Digital maturity model
✦ Customer experience
✦ Digital talent lifecycle
✦ Digital transformation: work force digitization
✦ Digital platform strategy
✦ Mobile customer journey and experience design
✦ Digital factory primer
✦ Mobile strategy primer
✦ Digital transformation: talent management
✦ Digital reinvention
✦ Digital transformation: challenges inexecution
✦ Digital transformation: challenges in change & organization
✦ Digital transformation: challenges in resources
✦ 15 elements of digital capabilities
✦ Digital transformation ethics-implementation toolkit
✦ Digital strategy in higher education

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