GraphQL Nihileswaran No Comment 12Feb Share Welcome to CHOOLS GRAPHQL ASSESSMENT (YOU HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PART [20 Questions]) **** Wishing You All The Best **** Instructions : To start the quiz, please provide your name, email id and phone number. All questions are mandatory* Answering each question is required before going on to the next page of questions. Your response is subject to change at any time. After completed the quiz click the submit button. If, once the time is up, it will be automatically submitted. The report will be mailed to your email address after the quiz is finished. 1. Which of the following is a valid way to provide variables in a GraphQL query? { variable: "value" } $variable: "value" variable = "value" variable: "value"2. Which of the following is a valid GraphQL query syntax? { name: "John" } query { name: "John" } query { user(name: "John") } { query: { name: "John" } }3. Which type of operation in GraphQL is used for real-time data updates? Query Mutation Subscription Directive4. What is the purpose of the introspection in GraphQL? To improve query performance To provide documentation about the schema To validate queries at runtime To enforce security measures5. What is the purpose of the union type in GraphQL? To represent a field that can have multiple types To perform set operations on queries To define a one-to-many relationship between types To create a subset of the schema6. In GraphQL, what is the purpose of directives? To define custom scalar types To conditionally include or skip fields To create mutations To specify the schema version7. What does GraphQL stand for? Graph Query Language General Query Language Graphical Query Language Global Query Language8. What is a mutation in GraphQL? A query that fetches data A query that modifies data A type of subscription A way to create new schemas9. GraphQL, how are arguments passed to a field? Using parentheses () Using square brackets [] Using curly braces {} Using angle brackets <>10. Which of the following is a valid GraphQL subscription operation? subscribe { newMessages } mutation { subscribe(newMessages) } query { subscribe(newMessages) } subscription { onNewMessage }11. Which of the following is NOT a scalar type in GraphQL? String Int List Boolean12. What is the purpose of the @deprecated directive in GraphQL? To mark a field or enum value as deprecated To enable caching for a specific query To define default values for fields To specify the data type of a field13. How can you secure a GraphQL API? By using HTTPS for communication By implementing authentication and authorization By limiting the depth and complexity of queries All of the above14. What is the purpose of the on keyword in a GraphQL fragment? To filter data based on a condition To specify the type on which the fragment can be used To join multiple fragments together To create an alias for a field15. What is a resolver in GraphQL? A function that defines how to retrieve data for a field A type of query A security measure A data validation rule16. What is the purpose of the @skip and @include directives in GraphQL? To exclude or include fields based on a condition To define custom scalar types To perform mathematical calculations in queries To specify default values for query parameters17. Which of the following is a reserved keyword in GraphQL? select query fetch retrieve18. What is the purpose of the enum type in GraphQL? To represent a field that can have multiple types To define a one-to-many relationship between types To create a subset of the schema To represent a set of predefined values19. How can you document a GraphQL schema? Using comments in the schema definition By creating a separate documentation file By using the @doc directive Documentation is not supported in GraphQL20. What is the default query type in GraphQL? Search Query Get Retrieve5 out of 4Time is Up! Previous R February 12, 2024 Next Laravel February 12, 2024 You Might Also Like Hello world CHOOLS No Comment How to Disable Avast Antivirus CHOOLS No Comment AVG Review — Is the Absolutely free Version As effective as the Premium Version? CHOOLS No Comment Understanding the Limitations of Models of Managing CHOOLS No Comment Careers Similar To Teaching CHOOLS No Comment