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Value stream mapping is for you, if you are interested in diving further deep into strengthening Six Sigma implementation and expanding the body of knowledge about the basic components of the Six Sigma methodologies. The skills acquired will immensely prove beneficial in better business processes and performance outcomes.
The success of an organization largely depends on the ability of the processes to achieve greater productivity and efficiency, avoiding bottlenecks. Way back in the 1940s, it was Industrial engineer Taiichi Ohno who developed this simple planning technique called “Kanban”, to manage the work optimally at the various stages of production.
Kaizen, meaning “Continuous Improvement”, is a proven approach to reduce unnecessary waste and to increase operational efficiency of an organization.
Lean Kaizen has been a very effective tool in improving the cycle time, reducing the customer response time and in bringing down the magnitude of waste in any organization by saving on costs and valuable resources.
Kata can be understood as a systematic way of learning a particular activity through practice, until a person perfects the activity and eventually the activity becomes a habit, for example learning to drive a car or play a sport. The new skill thus acquired through consistent practice will not need the same attention it needed while learning it, rather it becomes embedded in the memory and the attention required is very minimal.
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