Postgre SQL Nihileswaran No Comment 10Feb Share Welcome to CHOOLS POSTGRE SQL ASSESSMENT (YOU HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PART [20 Questions]) **** Wishing You All The Best **** Instructions : To start the quiz, please provide your name, email id and phone number. All questions are mandatory* Answering each question is required before going on to the next page of questions. Your response is subject to change at any time. After completed the quiz click the submit button. If, once the time is up, it will be automatically submitted. The report will be mailed to your email address after the quiz is finished. 1. In PostgreSQL, how do you start a transaction explicitly? BEGIN; INITIATE TRANSACTION; START TRANSACTION; COMMENCE;2. What is the purpose of the SERIAL data type in PostgreSQL? To store sequences of characters To automatically generate unique integer values To store floating-point numbers To represent binary data3. Which statement is used to add a new column to an existing table in PostgreSQL? ADD COLUMN CREATE COLUMN ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN INSERT COLUMN4. What is the purpose of the pg_dump utility in PostgreSQL? To optimize query performance To create a new database To back up a PostgreSQL database To load data into a table5. Which statement is used to delete records from a table in PostgreSQL? DELETE REMOVE DROP TRUNCATE6. In PostgreSQL, what does the term "pg_ctl" refer to? Query Execution Control Database Control PostgreSQL Control Cluster Control7. What is the purpose of the SERIALIZE isolation level in PostgreSQL transactions? To lock the entire database To prevent dirty reads To ensure serial execution of transactions To allow uncommitted changes8. Which clause is used to filter the result set in a SELECT statement in PostgreSQL? WHERE FILTER HAVING LIMIT9. What is the purpose of the VACUUM command in PostgreSQL? To create a virtual column To optimize query performance To reclaim storage occupied by dead tuples To rename a table10. Which keyword is used to rename a table in PostgreSQL? MODIFY RENAME ALTER TABLE RENAME TO CHANGE11. Which function is used to find the total number of rows in a table in PostgreSQL? COUNT SUM AVG MAX12. In PostgreSQL, what is the purpose of the JOIN clause in a SELECT statement? To filter rows To sort the result set To combine rows from two or more tables To group rows based on a column13. In PostgreSQL, what is the purpose of the pgAdmin tool? Query Optimization Backup and Restore User Authentication Index Management14. Which SQL operator is used for pattern matching in PostgreSQL? LIKE IN BETWEEN EXISTS15. Which of the following is a PostgreSQL data type for storing text of variable length? CHAR VARCHAR TEXT STRING16. What is the purpose of the COPY command in PostgreSQL? To copy data between tables To copy data between databases To copy data between servers To copy data between columns17. What does SQL stand for in the context of databases? Simple Query Language Standard Query Language Structured Query Language Systematic Query Language18. Which command is used to create a new database in PostgreSQL? CREATE TABLE CREATE SCHEMA CREATE DATABASE CREATE INSTANCE19. In PostgreSQL, what does the term "pg_hba.conf" refer to? Database Configuration File Host-Based Access Control File Query Logging Configuration PostgreSQL Backup Archive5 out of 4Time is Up! Previous Data Analytics RapidMiner February 8, 2024 Next Oracle February 10, 2024 You Might Also Like Hello world CHOOLS No Comment How to Disable Avast Antivirus CHOOLS No Comment AVG Review — Is the Absolutely free Version As effective as the Premium Version? CHOOLS No Comment Understanding the Limitations of Models of Managing CHOOLS No Comment Careers Similar To Teaching CHOOLS No Comment