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In any organization, every manager faces certain circumstances in their daily tasks and routine, that involves a great deal of decision making and risk taking. Change is inevitable in any organization. This leads to resistance in the processes of the organization. So, it becomes crucial to identify such resistances in the processes, the cause, nature, and effective ways to deal with the same.
Kata can be understood as a systematic way of learning a particular activity through practice, until a person perfects the activity and eventually the activity becomes a habit, for example learning to drive a car or play a sport. The new skill thus acquired through consistent practice will not need the same attention it needed while learning it, rather it becomes embedded in the memory and the attention required is very minimal.
7 QC (Quality Control) and 7 M (Management) tools are problem solving tools which with their unified and systematic approach have gone a long way in meeting and exceeding customer expectations in the most cost-effective ways.
Value stream mapping is for you, if you are interested in diving further deep into strengthening Six Sigma implementation and expanding the body of knowledge about the basic components of the Six Sigma methodologies. The skills acquired will immensely prove beneficial in better business processes and performance outcomes.
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