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For any organization to achieve its goals efficiently and effectively, keeping in mind the broad objectives and policies, and to keep this process on-going, it needs the technique called Continuous Improvement.
In any organization, every manager faces certain circumstances in their daily tasks and routine, that involves a great deal of decision making and risk taking. Change is inevitable in any organization. This leads to resistance in the processes of the organization. So, it becomes crucial to identify such resistances in the processes, the cause, nature, and effective ways to deal with the same.
By making a mistake is how people learn how to not make the same mistake again. Simple as it may seem, not everyone is afforded the opportunity to learn in such a manner. For a company that is still young, some mistakes could be detrimental to an extent that they derail the future of the entire organization.
Hoshin Kanri can be visualized as a game of Tug Of War which pits two teams on either sides of a long rope, wherein the two teams try to pull in opposite directions. The team that pulls the rope further away from the center line marked on the rope wins the war.
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