Welcome to CHOOLS JAVA ASSESSMENT (YOU HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PART [20 Questions]) **** Wishing You All The Best **** Instructions : To start the quiz, please provide your name, email id and phone number. All questions are mandatory* Answering each question is required before going on to the next page of questions. Your response is subject to change at any time. After completed the quiz click the submit button. If, once the time is up, it will be automatically submitted. The report will be mailed to your email address after the quiz is finished. 1. Can the Java program accept input from the command line? Yes, using command-line arguments Yes, by access command prompt No None of these2. What is garbage collection in java? Method to manage memory in java Create new garbage values Delete all values All of these3. How can we access methods for file handling in java? Java.files Java.io Java.io.File Java.FileHandling4. What is file handling in java? It is creating, deleting, and modifying files using a java program. Creating new method Filing method to different file to extract them better All of these5. Which type of casting is lossy in Java? Widening typecasting Narrowing typecasting Manual typecasting All of these6. Which class in Java is used to take input from the user? Scanner Input Applier None of these7. Multiline comment is created using ___. // /* */ <!-- -- > All of these8. Static variables in java are declared as ___. final variables new variables Constants All of these9. Object in java are ___. Classes References Iterators None of these10. BigInteger Class is used to ___. Store very long range of number Store integer values A class that stores large range of integer All of these11. What are the types of memory allocated in memory in java? Heap memory Stack memory Both A and B None of these12. What is the entry point of a program in Java? main() method The first line of code Last line of code main class13. What makes the Java platform independent? Advanced programming language It uses bytecode for execution Class compilation All of these14. Which of the following is the correct syntax to create a variable in Java? var name; int name; var name int; All of these15. Which method is used to add a new line to file in Java? file.addLine() file.nextLine() file.write() file.line()16. JRE stands for ___. Java run ecosystem JDK runtime Environment Java Runtime Environment None of these17. Is string mutable in Java? Yes No18. Wrapper class in java is ___. Used to encapsulate primitive data types Declare new classes called wrapper Create a new instance of the class None of these19. Which of these is the correct method to create an array in java? int[] arr = {1, 3, 5}; int[] arr; arr = new int[] {3, 1, 8}; int arr[] = {1, 4, 6}; All of these20. Can we keep a different name for the java class name and java file name? Yes No5 out of 4