From Idea to Impact in Six Steps:
Our 6D-process keeps people focused and projects on track, ensuring results are not only discussed but also achieved. And why is it important to follow a formal improvement process? The most successful companies and individuals are never satisfied with the status quo. They constantly look out for the next innovation, better ways to do things, and adjustments to daily routines that unlock hidden potentials and bring them to the next level of performance. They know the importance of never-ending improvement in all areas – skills, processes, and systems – to repeatedly deliver outstanding results.
But these repeat successes do not just happen by accident or by communicating an ambitious strategy, they are the result of a robust process that ensures a clear understanding of current problems and limitations, an effective solution design to overcome those barriers, and a disciplined implementation and embedment of the solution. Following the 6D process systematically delivers performance boost that benefit customers, employees, and investors (triple benefit ensures sustainability).
- Definethe project charter to set goals and objectives;
- Diagnosethe current state to identify the problem and improvement opportunity;
- Designthe future state to solve the problem and define the implementation plan;
- Demonstrateimpact at pilot-scope to validate the solution and confirm effectiveness;
- Deploythe solution at full scope, while training people and tracking performance;
6D Improvement Cycle from Identified Problem to Sustainable Solution
The process start with the identification of the problem, the gap between what is now (baseline) and what is expected (goal) or what is possible (entitlement). This gap is then addressed by your team internally, or with external support to provide expert knowledge and interim management assistance. During an initial consultation (→ book Free Call ) we define the problem statement, an initial solution approach, and the expected impact. From here, you can take it in your own hands or hire us to lead your team through the three phases (I) Initialization, (II) Improvement, (III) Institutionalization and the six steps (D1) Define, (D2) Diagnose, (D3) Design, (D4) Demonstrate, (D5) Deploy, (D6) Delegate, delivering an embedded, sustainable solution. Quality gates at the end of each step ensure deliverables are being met before moving to the next step.

D1 – Define
Define Project
Develop Charter
Set Objectives
✓ Project Defined

D2 – Diagnose
Diagnose Problem
Identify Root Causes
Quantify Opportunity
✓ Analysis Completed

D3 – Design
Design Solution
Simulate Impact
Plan Implementation
✓ Solution Developed

D4 – Demo
Demonstrate Impact
Adjust Parameters
Confirm Effectiveness
✓ Solution Validated

D5 – Deploy
Deploy Solution
Train People
Track Performance
✓ Solution Installed

D6 – Delegate
Delegate Ownership
Standardize Processes
Communicate Impact
✓ Solution Embedded
The Agile 6D Process Enables Rapid Learning and Improvement through Feedback Loops
The basic principle behind the 6D process is to develop a robust solution through repeated cycles (iterative) and in a small scope at a time (incremental). Two feedback loops ensure quick learning, between D4-Demo and D3-Design, and between D5-Deployment and D2-Diagnostics. It allows the team to validate assumptions during pilot runs, testing solution components under real operating conditions (full scope) or the entire solution system under controlled conditions (limited scope). It starts with a simple implementation of a subset of the solution and iteratively enhancing the evolving versions until the full solution is operational. At each iteration, parameters are adjusted until the desired performance levels are achieved.

Planning Project Timeline with Sprints and Deliverables
We are designing and implementing the solution in 3 phases and 12 sprints, at 4 sprints per phase. Each sprint is formally planned and impact reviewed with your team, so that learnings are captured and applied to the next iteration of the solution design. Doing so not only accelerates the process but also keeps people engaged and the project on track, delivering a more robust und sustainable solution overall.
Why Performance Gets Worse Before Getting Better
Naturally, any meaningful change creates instability by disrupting the status quo. As a result, performance dips at first, before turning around and taking off as improvements take root. As performance approaches the target level, changes are being embedded in the way of working (WOW) by standardizing methods and reinforcing behaviors, making processes repeatable, results reproducible, and success sustainable. The newly established performance plateau becomes the launchpad for the next improvement cycle.
The Chools Way – What We Do Differently
Instead of leaving you with a large powerpoint presentation to work through, we co-invent the solution together with your team, jointly discovering and deciding what works best. Such process takes a bit longer at the beginning (front-loading effort) but it eliminates the extra effort later on to convince people getting on board. We stay fully engaged and support you during the critical change period, until improvements are implemented, impact is achieved, skills are transferred, and systems are in place to sustain them: “Navigating to Results”.

Strategy Focus
As strategy consultants, we help leaders define and execute strategy:
➤ Benchmark and conduct competitive analysis
➤ Analyze and solve operational constraints
➤ Develop business and growth strategies
➤ Define required skills and competences
➤ Develop location and value-added strategies
➤ Rationalize structures and streamline processes
➤ Bring mission-critical projects on track
Process Focus
As process consultants, we help improving processes, skills, systems:
➤ Manufacturing and service operations
➤ Research and product development
➤ Sourcing and supply chain management
➤ Quality assurance and management
➤ Productive maintenance and asset-care
➤ Sales, marketing, and after-sales service
➤ Business planning, finance and controlling
Navigating to Results
We accelerate your improvement journey by providing the critical know-how and the hands-on implementation assistance, so you achieve results faster