Welcome to CHOOLS HTML ASSESSMENT (YOU HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PART [20 Questions]) **** Wishing You All The Best **** Instructions : To start the quiz, please provide your name, email id and phone number. All questions are mandatory* Answering each question is required before going on to the next page of questions. Your response is subject to change at any time. After completed the quiz click the submit button. If, once the time is up, it will be automatically submitted. The report will be mailed to your email address after the quiz is finished. 1. What does the tag add to your webpage? Long break Paragraph break Line break None of the above2. Increasing the cellpadding means __________ Increase the softness of your site Increase the space between cells Increase the distance between cell and content All of the above3. WYSIWYG stands for _______ What You See Is What You Get What you See Is What You Gain When You Start Is When You Go None of the above4. To add a plain color background to your web page, use which of the following? <body bgcolor= “36,24,35”> <body color= “# FF000”> <body bgcolor= “# FF000”> All of the above5. Which tag tells the browser where the page starts and stops? <html> <body> <head> <title>6. Which tag will you add to specify a font for your whole page? <defaultfont> <targetfont> <basefont> <font>7. is called paragraph tag container tag head tag None of the above8. Any target specified in the BASE element can be overridden on a case-by-case basis by specifying a different target in different forms Anchor Imagemap Link All of the above9. <! Is a ______ Comment tag Underlined tag Underlined with italic tag None of the above10. and are the tags used for ______ Adding image Aligning text Audio-voiced text Adding links to your page11. To created a bulleted list, use _____ <ol> <ul> <il> None of the above12. Which tag will add rows to your tables? <tr> and </tr> <th> and </th> <td> and </td> None of the above13. Which tag adds a paragraph break after the text? <BR> <P> <PARAGRAPH> <HR>14. When is the content of a table shown? Before the border loads After the table is loaded In pieces as it loads None of the above15. HTML is a subset of ______ SGMD SGML SGMH None of the above16. To create HTML page, you need _____ Web browser text editor Both [A] and [B] None of the above17. The tag which is used to establish the absolute base for relative URLs used in the documents hypertext links <BODY> <TITLE> <BASE> <BR>18. HTML is stand for _________ Hyper Text Markup Language Holistick Technical Method Library Hyper Tax Makes Line None of the above19. How can you make a list that list the items with numbers? <ul> <list> <ol> None of the above20. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold <bd> <bold> <bl> <b>5 out of 4