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In this expert instructor lead course, participants will learn the application of daily ideation techniques, and design thinking tools, for your organization’s growth. Your business model will be evaluated. Tools will be identified to meet your customers’ need, increase your profitability and better your business prospects.
Creativity is the most sought out tool in the modern man’s toolkit. It’s an essential skill, innate in all, but can be nurtured, to a point where it carries the potential to transform. Our professional and personal lives need novel ideas and solutions, for unfamiliar setbacks we encounter.
Discovering new ideas, and delivering them, is an indispensable skill in a digital data-driven world. The course aims to instill creativity in the participant’s thought process, treating it as an acquirable and transferable ability. Creative thinking is reignited, without relying on the traditional set of instructions.
A well said quote goes “A prototype is worth a thousand mock-ups,” By simple definition, a prototype is an interactive entity. At absolute inception of a project, it is always a default to create rough prototypes. Without unnecessary details. It is a well-practiced way to have high-level conversations over the direction of the customer’s journey.
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