Course Overview:
Loss tree is one of the effective continuous improvement tools. It is used to measure and analyze the current losses contributing to productivity, efficiency or cost loss. This first step of measurement and analysis will highlight improvement opportunities. That will assist the participants, and companies, to put the right strategic plans to achieve operational excellence. This workshop will familiarize the participants with the loss tree tool. Several case studies are effectively displayed with the improvement executions. The workshop will be extended with CHOOLS consultant. Required data is collected. Loss tree analysis process is carried out from Data collection to Data utilization to Data improvement. Workshop focus will be process efficiencies measures and business cost elements and measures.
Learning Outcome:
✔ Understand process efficiency measures and business cost elements and measures.
✔ Understand and use the loss tree and apply it on company collected data.
✔ Understand the process CUI -Collect -Utilize- improve.
✔ Understand and apply various collection tools.
✔ Create improvement and sustainment plans.
Course Features:
✔ Process improvement resources, lean six sigma resources, finance analysts, process managers, and executives.
✔ Material and templates included in course cost.
✔ To achieve certification, participants shall achieve 80% in CHOOLS exam for course only.
✔ For workshop pre-work will be required by company team.
Why Choose Chools?
Access to:
- Top 100,000 Ebooks.
- 250,000 Management slides and presentations.
- 1 million excel templates.
- 60,000 business documents.
- 15,000 top books in abstract forms.
- 40,000 audio podcast.
- 550 audio library books.
- 50,000 video libraries.
- 1500 training courses.
- 6 million Journals and articles.
- 137 Lean Six Sigma toolkit.
- Leadership assessments.
- Quiz, Exam prep, Q&As, Case-studies.
Course Outline
➤ Cost elements and measures (CPU, MOH, S&D , G&A)
➤ CUI- Collect- Utilize-Improve
➤ Improvement and sustainment plans creation
➤ Change management
➤ On hand application
➤ Loss tree tool
➤ Measures and Data collection tools
➤ Process Key performance measures
➤ Process efficiency measures and down time measures