Course Overview:
In any organization, every manager faces certain circumstances in their daily tasks and routine, that involves a great deal of decision making and risk taking. Change is inevitable in any organization. This leads to resistance in the processes of the organization. So, it becomes crucial to identify such resistances in the processes, the cause, nature, and effective ways to deal with the same.
➤ Here comes the abilities and skills of a Lean Practitioner, who initiates the continuous improvement process and keeps it going by emphasizing on Lean tools, principles, and methodologies.
➤ A Lean practitioner ensures that the Lean principles, and methodologies seep into all the levels of the organization, ultimately leading to organizational excellence. He can be relied upon to drive the organization into a phase of increased quality and decreased costs, a major aspect of Lean implementation.
➤ To put it simple, a Lean practitioner is a hands-on professional who practices, and inspires his subordinates to implement Lean methodologies and practices in the organizational processes to ultimately achieve excellence.
Who Can Enroll:
➤ Top level and Lean managers, team leaders and professionals in continuous improvement of the organization.
Learning Outcome:
✔ Managers, after attending this course, will be trained to keep looking for opportunities for continuous improvement.
✔ Participants will be prepared to lead and execute lean projects, using the various lean tools, principles, and methodologies.
✔ A Detailed study on waste management, change management, VSM, 5S, Poka Yoke would be done.
Course Features:
✔ Details course note will be provided.
✔ Training certificate for course completion.
✔ Company Customized courses available.
✔ Comprehensive practical training to enforce theoretical principles.
✔ Limited Registrations, effective presentations.
✔ Course could be customized to businesses and LOGO added to presentations.
✔ Course cost cover training sessions, comprehensive notes set.
✔ Professionally planned, prepared, and presented.
Why Choose Chools?
Access to:
• Top 100,000 Ebooks.
• 250,000 Management slides and presentations.
• 1 million excel templates.
• 60,000 business documents.
• 15,000 top books in abstract forms.
• 40,000 audio podcast.
• 550 audio library books.
• 50,000 video libraries.
• 1500 training courses.
• 2.6 million Journals and articles.
• 137 Lean Six Sigma toolkit.
• Leadership assessments.
• Quiz, Exam prep, Q&As, Case-studies.
Course Outline
Introduction of the Lean Philosophy
Introduction to Lean tools, preparing to lead a lean project
Application of lean tools and principles(Waste management, VSM, 5S, Poka Yoke)
Application of the Lean principles and tools to practical assignment