Welcome to CHOOLS PHP ASSESSMENT (YOU HAVE ONLY 30 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS PART [20 Questions]) **** Wishing You All The Best **** Instructions : To start the quiz, please provide your name, email id and phone number. All questions are mandatory* Answering each question is required before going on to the next page of questions. Your response is subject to change at any time. After completed the quiz click the submit button. If, once the time is up, it will be automatically submitted. The report will be mailed to your email address after the quiz is finished. 1. Which is not a valid variable name in PHP? age _age PersonAge 1age2. How many variable scopes are there in PHP? 1 2 3 43. "Array" is a data type in PHP? Yes No4. What is NULL in PHP? Value Keyword Data Type Function5. In which year PHP was developed? 1993 1994 1995 19966. Which statement is faster echo or print? echo print7. Which type is used to store the database call? object class resource string8. Which function is used to convert the ASCII value to the character? asc() str() char() chr()9. Which is not a valid variable scope in PHP? local global static external10. Which PHP keyword is used to access a global variable inside the function? php_ global global global_variable globalscope11. Multi-line comments can be written within the ____. // and // ## and ## /* and */ /// and ///12. Which data type is not supported by PHP? Integer Complex Float String13. What will be the output of the following PHP code? <?<?phpfunction Increment(){static $num = 0;echo "$num";$num++;}Increment();Increment();Increment();?> 000 111 011 01214. Which statement is commonly used for PHP output? write php.write log echo15. What is the extension of a PHP file? .php .ph .phpfile All of the above16. What will be the output of the following PHP code?<?php$x = 5;function myFunction(){echo "Result $x";}myFunction();?> Result $x Result 5 Result None of the above17. There is a variable "name" that contains the name of a person, which is/are the correct print statement(s) to print the "name" suffix with "Hello". print "Hello $name"; print "Hello " . $name; print ("Hello $name"); All of the above18. A PHP integer data type can store values between ____. -65,536 and 65,535 0 and 4,294,967,295 -(2^63) and (2^63)-1 -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,64719. Which function is used to replace text within a string? str_replace() replace() replace_str() string-replace()20. What will be the output of the following PHP code?<?phpfunction myFunction(){$x = 5;echo "Result1: $x , ";}myFunction();echo "Result2: $x";?> Result1: 5 , Result2: Result1: 5 , Result2: 0 Result1: 5 , Result2: 5 None of the abovePlease fill in the comment box below.